Annotation Property: comment
Usage (120)
- "An Annotation is a comment on an SpdxItem by an agent." (en)
- "The AnyLicenseInfo class includes all resources that represent licensing information." ()
- "A Checksum is value that allows the contents of a file to be authenticated. Even small changes to the content of the file will change its checksum. This class allows the results of a variety of checksum and cryptographic message digest algorithms to be represented.
" (en)
- "A ConjunctiveLicenseSet represents a set of licensing information all of which apply." (en)
- "A CreationInfo provides information about the individuals, organizations and tools involved in the creation of an SpdxDocument." (en)
- "A DisjunctiveLicenseSet represents a set of licensing information where only one license applies at a time. This class implies that the recipient gets to choose one of these licenses they would prefer to use." (en)
- "Information about an external SPDX document reference including the checksum. This allows for verification of the external references." (en)
- "A File represents a named sequence of information that is contained in a software package." (en)
- "A License represents a copyright license. The SPDX license list website is annotated with these properties (using RDFa) to allow license data published there to be easily processed.
The license list is populated in accordance with the License List fields guidelines. These guidelines are not normative and may change over time. SPDX tooling should not rely on values in the license list conforming to the current guidelines." (en)
- "A license which is included in the SPDX License List (" (en)
- "A Package represents a collection of software files that are delivered as a single functional component." (en)
- "A Relationship represents a relationship between two SpdxElements." (en)
- "A Review represents an audit and signoff by an individual, organization or tool on the information in an SpdxDocument." (en)
- "The SimpleLicenseInfo class includes all resources that represent simple, atomic, licensing information." (en)
- "The set of bytes in a file. The name of the snippet is the name of the file appended with the byte range in parenthesis (ie: “./file/name(2145:5532)”)" (en)
- "An SpdxDocument is a summary of the contents, provenance, ownership and licensing analysis of a specific software package. This is, effectively, the top level of SPDX information." (en)
- "An SpdxElement is any thing described in SPDX, either a document or an SpdxItem. SpdxElements can be related to other SpdxElements." ()
- "An SpdxItem is a potentially copyrightable work." (en)
- "A manifest based verification code (the algorithm is defined in section 4.7 of the full specification) of the SPDX Item. This allows consumers of this data and/or database to determine if an SPDX item they have in hand is identical to the SPDX item from which the data was produced. This algorithm works even if the SPDX document is included in the SPDX item." (en)
- "Agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact).." (en)
- "Identifies the algorithm used to produce the subject Checksum.
Currently, SHA-1 is the only supported algorithm. It is anticipated that other algorithms will be supported at a later time.
" (en)
- "Provide additional information about an SpdxElement.
" (en)
- "Type of the annotation." (en)
- "Type of annotation which does not fit in any of the pre-defined annotation types." (en)
- "A Review represents an audit and signoff by an individual, organization or tool on the information for an SpdxElement." (en)
- "This field identifies the person, organization or tool that has commented on a file, package, or entire document. " (en)
- "Indicates the project in which the SpdxElement originated.
Tools must preserve doap:homepage and doap:name properties and the URI (if one is known) of doap:Project resources that are values of this property. All other properties of doap:Projects are not directly supported by SPDX and may be dropped when translating to or from some SPDX formats." (en)
- "String of the form \d+:\d+ denoting a range of bytes." (en)
- "The checksum property provides a mechanism that can be used to verify that the contents of a File or Package have not changed." (en)
- "Indicates the algorithm used was SHA-1" ()
- "The checksumValue property provides a lower case hexidecimal encoded digest value produced using a specific algorithm." ()
- "The text of copyright declarations recited in the Package or File." ()
- "The date and time at which the SpdxDocument was created. This value must in UTC and have 'Z' as its timezone indicator." ()
- "The creationInfo property relates an SpdxDocument to a set of information about the creation of the SpdxDocument." (en)
- "The name and, optionally, contact information of a person, organization or tool that created, or was used to create, the SpdxDocument.
Values of this property must conform to the agent and tool syntax." (en)
- "The licensing under which the creator of this SPDX document allows related data to be reproduced.
The only valid value for this property is This is to alleviate any concern that content (the data) in an SPDX file is subject to any form of intellectual property right that could restrict the re-use of the information or the creation of another SPDX file for the same project(s). This approach avoids intellectual property and related restrictions over the SPDX file, however individuals can still contract one to one to restrict release of specific collections of SPDX files (which map to software bill of materials) and the identification of the supplier of SPDX files." (en)
- "A date-time stamp." (en)
- "The describesPackage property relates an SpdxDocument to the package which it describes." (en)
- "Provides a detailed description of the package." (en)
- "The URI at which this package is available for download. Private (i.e., not publicly reachable) URIs are acceptable as values of this property.
The values and may be used to specify that the package is not downloadable or that no attempt was made to determine its download location, respectively." (en)
- "Any external SPDX documents referenced within an SPDX document. This property is primarily used to verify the external SPDX document reference through use of the checksum." (en)
- "Verbatim license or licensing notice text that was discovered." (en)
- "This field provides a place for the SPDX file creator to record file contributors. Contributors could include names of copyright holders and/or authors who may not be copyright holders yet contributed to the file content." (en)
- "The name of the file relative to the root of the package." (en)
- "The type of the file." ()
- "Indicates the file is an archive file." (en)
- "Indicates the file is not a text file. spdx:filetype_archive is preferred for archive files even though they are binary." (en)
- "Indicates the file is not a source, archive or binary file." (en)
- "Indicates the file is a source code file." (en)
- "File containing the SPDX element (e.g. the file contaning a snippet)." (en)
- "Indicates that a particular ExtractedLicensingInfo was defined in the subject SpdxDocument.
" (en)
- "Indicates if the OSI has approved the license." (en)
- "he licenseComments property allows the preparer of the SPDX document to describe why the licensing in spdx:licenseConcluded was chosen." (en)
- "The licensing that the preparer of this SPDX document has concluded, based on the evidence, actually applies to the package." (en)
- "The licensing that the creators of the software in the package, or the packager, have declared. Declarations by the original software creator should be preferred, if they exist." (en)
- "A human readable short form license identifier for a license. The license ID is iether on the standard license oist or the form "LicenseRef-"[idString] where [idString] is a unique string containing letters, numbers, ".", "-" or "+"." (en)
- "The licensing information that was discovered directly within the package. There will be an instance of this property for each distinct value of alllicenseInfoInFile properties of all files contained in the package." (en)
- "Licensing information that was discovered directly in the subject file. This is also considered a declared license for the file." (en)
- "An optional field for creators of the SPDX file to provide the version of the SPDX License List used when the SPDX file was created." (en)
- "Full text of the license." (en)
- "A license, or other licensing information, that is a member of the subject license set." (en)
- "The full human readable name of the item. This should include version information when applicable." (en)
- "Indicates that the preparer of the SPDX document is not making any assertion regarding the value of this field." ()
- "When this value is used as the object of a property it indicates that the preparer of the SpdxDocument believes that there is no value for the property. This value should only be used if there is sufficient evidence to support this assertion." ()
- "This field provides a place for the SPDX file creator to record potential legal notices found in the file. This may or may not include copyright statements." (en)
- "The name and, optionally, contact information of the person or organization that originally created the package.
Values of this property must conform to the agent and tool syntax." (en)
- "The base name of the package file name. For example, zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz." (en)
- "Indicates that a particular file belongs as part of the set of analyzed files in the SpdxDocument." (en)
- "A related SpdxElement." (en)
- "Defines a relationship between two SPDX elements. The SPDX element may be a Package, File, or SpdxDocument." (en)
- "Describes the type of relationship between two SPDX elements." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_ancestorOf expresses that an SPDXElement is an ancestor of (same lineage but pre-dates) the relatedSPDXElement. For example, an upstream File is an ancestor of a modified downstream File" (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_containedBy expresses that an SPDXElement is contained by the relatedSPDXElement. For example, a File contained by a Package. " (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_contains expresses that an SPDXElement contains the relatedSPDXElement. For example, a Package contains a File. (relationshipType_contains introduced in SPDX 2.0 deprecates property 'hasFile' from SPDX 1.2)" (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_copyOf expresses that the SPDXElement is an exact copy of the relatedSDPXElement. For example, a downstream distribution of a binary library which was copied from the upstream package." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_descendantOf expresses that an SPDXElement is a descendant of (same lineage but post-dates) the relatedSPDXElement. For example, an downstream File that was modified is a descendant of an upstream File" (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_distributionArtifact expresses that distributing the SPDXElement requires that the relatedSPDXElement also be distributed. For example, distributing a binary File may require that a source tarball (another File) be made available with the distribuiton. " (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_expandedFromArchive expresses that the SPDXElement is a file which was epanded from a relatedSPDXElement file. For example, if there is an archive file xyz.tar.gz containing a file foo.c the archive file was expanded in a directory arch/xyz, the file arch/xyz/foo.c would have a relationshipType_expandedFromArchive with the file xyz.tar.gz." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_fileAdded expresses that the SPDXElement is a file which has been added to the relatedSPDXElement package. For example, a package (the relatedSPDXElement) has been patched to remove a file (the SPDXElement). This relationship is typically used to express the result of a patched package when the actual patchfile is not present." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_fileDeleted expresses that the SPDXElement is a package where the relatedSPDXElement file has been removed. For example, a package has been patched to remove a file a file (the relatedSPDXElement resulting in the patched package (the SPDXElement). This relationship is typically used to express the result of a patched package when the actual patchfile is not present." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_fileModified expresses that the SPDXElement is a file which is a modified version of the relatedSPDXElement file. For example, a file (the SPDXElement) has been patched to modify the contents of the original file (the SPDXElement). This relationship is typically used to express the result of a patched package when the actual patchfile is not present." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_generatedFrom expresses that an SPDXElement was generated from the relatedSPDXElement. For example, a binary File might have been generated from a source File." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_generates expresses that an SPDXElement generates the relatedSPDXElement. For example, a source File generates a binary File." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_patchApplied expresses that the SPDXElement is a 'patchfile' that was applied and produced the relatedSPDXElement. For example, a .diff File relates to a specific file where the diff was applied." (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_patchFor expresses that the SPDXElement is a 'patchfile' that is designed to patch (apply modifications to) the relatedSPDXElement. For example, relationship from a .diff File to a Package it is designed to patch. " (en)
- "A Relationship of relationshipType_variantOf expresses that an SPDXElement is a variant of the relatedSPDXElement, but it is not clear which came first. For example, if the content of two Files differs by some edit, but there is no way to tell which came first (no reliable date information), then one File is a variant of the other File." (en)
- "The date and time at which the SpdxDocument was reviewed. This value must be in UTC and have 'Z' as its timezone indicator." (en)
- "The review property relates a SpdxDocument to the review history." (en)
- "The name and, optionally, contact information of the person who performed the review.
Values of this property must conform to the agent and tool syntax." (en)
- "Allows the producer(s) of the SPDX document to describe how the package was acquired and/or changed from the original source." (en)
- "A propoerty containing an SPDX document." (en)
- "Identifies the version of this specification that was used to produce this SPDX document. The value for this version of the spec is SPDX-1.2. The values SPDX-1.0 and SPDX-1.1 may also be supported by SPDX tools for backwards compatibility purposes." (en)
- "License author's preferred text to indicated that a file is covered by the license." (en)
- "License template which describes sections of the license which can be varied. See License Template section of the specification for format information." (en)
- "Provides a short description of the package." (en)
- "The name and, optionally, contact information of the person or organization who was the immediate supplier of this package to the recipient. The supplier may be different than originator when the software has been repackaged.
Values of this property must conform to the agent and tool syntax." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is a file containing an SPDX Document which describes the SPDXELement. For example, the SPDX file zlib-v1.2.3.spdx would be an SPDXFile for the package zlib." (en)
- "The SPDXElement is an SPDX Document which includes corrections from the upstream relatedSPDXElement. For example, if a downstream consumer of an SPDX package finds inaccuracies in the SPDX file for the package, the downstream consumer can produce a corrected SPDX Document and relate the correctd document to the upstream SPDX document." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is a build tool, build script, or build related data used by the SPDXElement to generate the binary files intended for distribution. Build tools are typically not intended to be distributed with binary versions of packages. For example, used to make the package zlib would be considered a build tool." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is a data file used by SPDXElement. For example, the the datafile timezones.dat is used by the package mypackage." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is document source or compiled documentation used by the SPDXElement. For example, man pages would be considered usageType_document for the package." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is an binary library file which is dyamically linked to the SpdxElement. For example, the library is dynamically lined to an executable myapp." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is an executable file compiled from the SPDXElement source file. For example, a library is compiled from a source file zilb.c." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is a file containing meta data which describes the SPDXELement. For example, a POM file for Apache Xerces would be a metafile for the package Apache Xerces." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is used in a manner which should not impact the concluded license for the SPDXElement. For example, version control metadata such as .svn or .git files would be considered nonlicenseimpacting." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is an optional component which may be included in the deployed binaries for the SPDXElement at the option of person building or making the package. Typically, the optional components are by default not included in the deployed binaries. For example, the zlib contrib directory would contain optional files." (en)
- "This usageType describes a usage which has not been defined in the formal SPDX specification. A description of the usage should be included in the comments field." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXELement is used as a package by the SPDXElement. For example, an aggregator of packages may include several packages in the distribution. The relationship between the distribution and the included packages would be usageType_package." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is a file used to patch the SPDXElement. If a patch file xyz.diff is used to patch a package myPackage, the xyz.diff would have a usage type of usageType_patch." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is a source file used in the compilation of the SPDXElement. For example, a source file zlib.c is compiled to a binary library" (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is an binary library file which is statically linked to the SpdxElement. For example, the library zlib.a is dynamically lined to an executable myapp." (en)
- "The relatedSPDXElement is test case source or data used to test SPDXElement. Test cases are typically not intended to be distributed with binary versions of packages. For example, unit test code for an application would be considered test cases." (en)
- "Describes how the related relatedSpdxElement is used by this SpdxElement." (en)
- "A manifest based authentication code for the SPDX Element. This allows consumers of this data to determine if an SPDX Element they have in hand is identical to the SPDX Element from which the data was produced. This algorithm works even if the SPDX document is included in the SPDX Element. This algorithm is described in detail in the SPDX specification." (en)
- "An element that was excluded when calculating the element verification code. This is usually a file containing SPDX data regarding the element. If a element contains more than one SPDX file all SPDX files must be excluded from the package verification code. If this is not done it would be impossible to correctly calculate the verification codes in both files." (en)
- "The actual package verification code as a hex encoded value." (en)
- "Provides an indication of the version of the package that is described by this SpdxDocument." (en)
- "rdfs:seeAlso is an instance of rdf:Property that is used to indicate a resource that might provide additional information about the subject resource." (en)
- "The AnyLicenseInfo class includes all resources that represent licensing information." ()
- "Agent - An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact). " (en)